Modro nebo
Blue sky
45.770470° N 14.357060° E - Cerkniško jezero
Sobota, 20. Junij 2009
Sobota, 13. Junij 2009
Sreda, 6. Junij 2009
Petek, 5. Junij 2009
Današnja nogometna tekma dečkov mlajših od 8 let med domačim NK Rakek in NK Divača, se je končala z zmago domače ekipe s 4:3.
Today's football match boys under the age of 8 years between the home FC Rakek and FC Divača, has ended with victory for the home team with 4:3.
45.808683° N 14.322899° E - Rakek
Today's football match boys under the age of 8 years between the home FC Rakek and FC Divača, has ended with victory for the home team with 4:3.
45.808683° N 14.322899° E - Rakek
Sreda, 3. Junij 2009
Ponedeljek, 1. Junij 2009
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